Break Free
from Blockchain

    Deploy dApps on


    Blockchain Made Accessible

    Build incredible dApps the smart way across chains while Ozone abstracts away the complexities for you.



    • User-friendly tools and frameworks for building faster dApps
    • Steer clear of errors with intelligent code quality measuring tools 
    • Follow best practices and write error-free dApps at rocket speed
    • Stay one step ahead by following best practices to enjoy quick and error-free builds 


    • Deploy dApps instantly onto any blockchain of your choice 
    • Pre-built deployment templates vastly simplify the scaling of dApps on multiple networks
    • Validate dApps automatically for errors and deploy to multiple environments with automated pipelines
    • Cross-chain deployments are made easy by extending your own or using Ozone’s fully-managed infrastructure

    Real-time Monitoring & Alerting

    • Keep a track of all your transactions and events on your very own all-in-one dashboard!
    • Scroll through single or multiple transactions at a go and analyse KPIs contributing to your success
    • Create custom alerts for important events and transaction updates
    • Explore superior webhook integrations with numerous project management tools

    NFTs Made Simple

    • Explore our user-friendly templates to create & deploy NFTs at your own pace  
    • Deploy onto a single or multiple blockchain networks of your liking from one place
    • Build product grade without any steep learning curve
    • Cumulate all the NFT metadata with ease 
    • Set an alert on the wallet that holds the NFT using any bot

    Multi-Chain Deployments

    • A low learning curve lets you deploy across multiple blockchain platforms at a quick pace
    • Standardise your blockchain deployments with a host of pre-built templates that are suitable for your varied use cases
    • Achieve higher interoperability between blockchain platforms with a “write-once-run-anywhere” approach
    • All that you need in a unified bundle (An end-to-end solution frontend + smart contracts + deployment pipelines) customised for each of the blockchain platforms

    Deploy Across Popular Blockchain Networks from One Place

    Let us manage the complexity while you focus on
    enhancing the reach and experience of your dApps!

    Book a demo

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